Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Hip Hop Is An Expression Of The Culture Of Black,...

Hence, allowing diversity within the same culture can be a critical aspect, in accepting the way of life for different groups of people, who makes a choice of pursuing certain values, styles of clothing and attitudes in a given society. Based on this argument, music that is played by a section of the society can be a presentation of their values, attitudes, and ways of doing things in life. Therefore, when looking at whether hip hop is a culture for the black, Latino and other white adolescents living in suburban areas, diversities can be a key in arriving at a conclusion in this discussion. As mentioned earlier, there are a number of studies that have been carried in relation to determining whether hip hop is an expression of the culture of black, Latino and inner city whites adolescents or not. One of those studies has been carried out is by Paul C Taylor. Taylor of the view is that hip hop is a culture that expresses the way of life of the black and Latino adolescents due to numb ers of reasons. First of all, it is made of different social practices that are related (Taylor 81). Any given culture is made up of different practices that define a given community. In the case, hip hop is a cultural practice that defines some aspects of some black and Latino adolescent way of dressing. Taylor asks about, how the American culture industries would be likely without the way of dressing that is embraced by hip hop musicians? From this question, it is evident that the hip hopShow MoreRelatedTaking a Look at Hip Hop1272 Words   |  5 Pagesbusiness If it got where it started So we all gather here for the dearly departed† (NAS, Hip hop is dead), Since the 1920s, America has been the setting for a progressive Black Arts Movement. 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